Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Cubs Lose First Game in Series, Let the Crying Begin

Let the tears begin, not tears of joy this time, but tears of sadness. The Cubs blew it tonight. They started hot with a 2-0 lead and then gave up a grand slam home run and that was pretty much it.

It is very important to win the 1st game of the series playoffs, the team that wins the first game of the series goes on to win it outright 85% of the time ( Um, that is just not good news. I feel sick right now.

I don't know how much more I can give to this franchise. I had on my Cubs bracelet, hat, t-shirt and Cubbie blue underwear. I cheered as much as humanly possible. I feel drained and it is only game 1. If they lose this series I am not sure I will recover. I am so tired of saying, "well there is always next year."

I won't give up on them just yet, there are possibly still 4 more games to be played. Gotta keep the faith for now, but I have to admit I am starting to lose it.

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Mind of MadMan said...


Anonymous said...

:( i'm sorry !!

Unknown said...

I am sure I will get over it. I do every damn year! LOL

CowboyJoe said...

Bartman can't be blamed for that one.