Sunday, October 19, 2008

Do The Cowgirls Suck Or What???

Remember all the talk this week that the Cowboys would be so much better with Brad Johnson running the team??? Something about his calming influence. Tony, I think it is safe to say the starting QB job is yours when you are ready to come back. The Cowboys looked pathetic today and I loved it!

They are playing Tampa next week so I don't believe this will get any easier. How cool would it be if they finished the season with a losing record???


Grumpy said...

Very cool. But not as cool as yesterday in Paul Brown Stadium with at least 20,000 Terrible Towels waving.

Unknown said...

I did not get to see the Steelers game. I was helping a friend move all day long. But I heard there were a ton of Steelers fans there. Love those Steelers fans!

Mind of MadMan said...

Yep they suck