Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Pacman Back in the NFL

How in the world did this happen??? How many chances is this bum going to get??? I am now personally rooting against him. I think I will start shipping cases of booze to the Cowboys locker room for him.

I would assume if he screws up one more time he is out. You know it is going to happen. I can't wait.


Nachos Grande said...

There's no excuse for him being allowed to play in the NFL. Can you imagine a lawyer, teacher, or even a burger flipper getting that many chances? I think not.

He's said to be returning just in time for the Steelers game...If there were ever a guy I rooted for to get leveled he'd be it...

Mind of MadMan said...

Hey I have a UPS account if needed.

Unknown said...

Oh don't tell me that Madman, I got a ton of skunky beer the guys left over here last week. I might just ship it to ya!
I agree one gets this many chances and I don't feel like he will do anything differently.

Grumpy said...

Come on guys. Without Pacman the strip clubs in Dallas go out of business. The last thing we need is unemployed strippers.

Unknown said...

I never thought of that Grumpy! That would be a tragedy!