Can you tell it is a slow sports night?????
1. I play the drums.
2. I won a trip for 2 to Vegas once in a football game picking contest.
3. My first concert was Air Supply. My mom made me go! Give me a break!
4. I played on my high school girls golf team, our number 1 player I might add.
5. I have a degree in Marketing that I have never really used. My family is so proud!
6. I was born breach. Explains even more about me than you ever wanted to know.
7. I am scared of dying.
8. Once I was told that I was a gambling addict (football games). I lost my bookie's number immediately.
9. I miss my grandfather very much. He was my best friend.
10. I feel like I was put on this earth to do something great. I just have not figured out what it is yet and it drives me crazy.
Let's see, a breech baby with a marketing degree who plays the drums and was the #1 golfer on her high school team. Seems to me you have already done some great things.
Aw thanks Grumpy!
I refer to my degree as my $40,000 wall art
Hey I like that Tbone.
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