Thursday, February 5, 2009

Crazy Lady Crazy Week

What a week! My team wins the Super Bowl and there is just so much controversy it is beginning to annoy me. Did Santonio have both feet in? Should he have received an excessive celebration penalty?? Blah blah blah. Get the hell over it people! They ruled it a catch. The celebration??? I never saw it. Neither did the officials. Game over, move on. Let's just celebrate that it was a hell of a game and the best team won...according to me.

Not much in the way of sports I feel like talking about right now so let's talk about my favorite subject...ME. Here are my 10 favorite things right now...

1. Yankee Candle Vanilla Lime- damn this smells good! Totally worth the money.

2. 5 gum-I love Cobalt and Flare. Longest lasting flavored gum and it tastes good too.

3. NCAA Football 2009 PS3-I play this constantly. I am a QB for the University of Tennessee. GO VOLS!

4. Crush Grape Soda-Grabbed a six pack as part of my Super Bowl binge. I cannot remember the last time I had grape soda...this is GOOD stuff.

5. Entertainment Magazine-if you want to be kept in the loop on tv, movies, music and books...this is the mag to subscribe to. I nearly piss myself with excitement every Saturday when I open the mailbox to get it.

6.Ben Roethlisberger- Yea, duh!
7. A couple of tv shows- One is called "The IT Crowd"...British show about an i.t. department for a corporation. Very very funny show. Seems like I am way into Britain right now...Gordon Ramsay show called "The F Word". Kind of a cooking variety show and much more up close and personal than his "Hell's Kitchen" show. I might have a slight crush on that mean bastard!

8. Blu-ray- There is no other way to watch a movie other than go to a theater but that sucks because it stinks and you have cells phones ringing and kids whining and people coughing...disaster...just buy a blu-ray player and fall in love like I have.

9., ok...please do not tell on me but I sometimes watch tv shows at work on my computer. Hulu has it all! If you missed an episode of something, you can usually find it there and watch it for FREE! I love free things. They also have movies.

10. Last but not least...I am loving on my new toy...and I mean LOVING...if only they had one of Big Ben...


Grumpy said...

A Big Ben dildo. Brilliant! We'll be rich. Who is that on the head of that thing?

Unknown said...

Obama! He gives me hope for an orgasm! LMAO

Grumpy said...

In one day we went from the Super Bowl to your orgasms. My head is spinning.

Anonymous said...

Holy shit

Unknown said...

LOL football gets me wound up!

Anonymous said...

Im literally speachless..and you know I'm not a speachless person.

Unknown said...

God I am sorry ok???? I have never had sex in my life I swear! I will never think of it again! LOL