Sunday, June 6, 2010

How Much Longer Until Football Season???

I am bored. The Cubs suck. No arena football. World Cup???? Whatever. I need some football. My heart did beat a little faster this morning when I saw Yahoo is starting to let people sign up to play fantasy football. We must be getting closer. I got out my calendar and counted it out. 95 more days. That is 3 more months people! So I have to come up with something to keep me occupied for 3 more long heart-wrenching months.

After much thought I have come up with a list of things to have done by September 9th...aka the first NFL game that really counts.

1. I will have read at least 10 books. To some people that will seem simple but I am telling you it took me 6 months to get through that "Twilight" book. Whatever the 2nd one was called.

2. My bedroom closet will be cleaned out. I can barely open the door right now. By Sept. 9th, I will be able to have a small cocktail party in there.

3. I will have bought a new Steelers jersey for this season since I had to get rid of Santonio Holmes and don't feel too good about wearing Roethlisberger out in public right now. Thinking... I don't know...maybe Polamalu away jersey or Mendenhall home jersey.

4. I will finally make a budget and try to live by it. I spend so much money on stupid stuff all the time. This way I will have more money for Domino's Pizza delivery once the season starts. No more looking for loose change in the sofa.

5. I will have written both my regular bucket list and my sports bucket list down somewhere and put in a notebook so I can look at it and make a plan to make it all happen. Life is too short and I have a ton of things I want to see and do.

6. I will work out 6 days a week at least 30 minutes per day. This way I will be big and strong and able to throw heavy things at my TV when the Steelers lose.

7. I will watch all 5 seasons of "Weeds". Heard too many great things about the show...I need to see what it is all about.

8. I will take one more writing class. This time one that makes you actually write so that maybe one day this might be a decent blog.