Friday, January 30, 2009

Office Super Bowl Picks

We were sitting around talking about the Super Bowl this morning and decided to write down all our picks for final score, winner and MVP winner. So here they are...I am thinking all the Cardinal picks were just to irritate me because I am wearing my Roethlisberger jersey at work today. Bastards!

Losers have to all pitch in and buy pizza on Monday. Winner pays nothing. Have I mentioned pizza is my favorite food????

Jan 29-14 Steelers Roethlisberger MVP
Me 24-20 Steelers Fast Willie Parker MVP
Lee 27-21 Cards Fitzgerald MVP
Mike 31-17 Cards Warner MVP
Jimmy 28-24 Steelers Polamalu MVP
Steph 30-17 Steelers Hines Ward MVP
Kim 21-17 Cards Warner MVP

So what say you??? Final score? Winner? MVP???


Grumpy said...

28-14 Steelers
Can I get anchovies on mine?

Unknown said...

Whatever you want Grumpy!

nutballgazette said...

(My Pick) The Cards 38-30,,Boldin (MVP)
But it would not surprise me to see a Steeler 38-10 win.
BTW Great Blog.