Sunday, February 1, 2009

Today Is The Day

Finally all the hype is over and it is almost game time. I am super pumped about the game, I think it will be a very close and exciting game.

The weekend has brought me lots of calls from friends and family wanting to come watch the big game with me. I turned down every single person which left them a little puzzled. So here it is plain and simple...I want to watch the game alone. I like to pay close attention to the things going on, I don't want to be distracted by a possible Cardinals fan in the mix rooting against my team. I don't want to hear, "Hey, where's the bathroom?" or "Are there anymore Doritos?" If it were any other team other than mine, then yes, the more the merrier but not for this game.

So I know I am the anti-social one today...what are your plans for watching the big game?? Any great snack recipes you would like to share?? Super Bowl traditions you might have? Let me hear from you...


Grumpy said...

I know exactly what you mean. I can't stand distractions when the Steelers' are playing. We're going to a friend's house, but only 5 people total.

Unknown said...

I cannot even have one person around. The last time the Steelers were in the Super Bowl I had 3 people over. They drove me nuts! I didn't even enjoy myself. So no more of that!