Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Peek Into the Life of a Diehard Steelers Fan

I have been asked time and time again how on earth I became a Steelers fan considering I grew up in Tennessee. So I will share a few family photos and maybe you will gain some insight as to how I became me.

This is baby Chanin. From what I was told my parents showed me a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader outfit and I puked up my baby food all over that. Upon seeing the Steelers outfit I smiled for a week straight and stopped having massive diarrhea.

This is my dog, TB (Terry Bradshaw...duh!). I have her trained on command to piss on anything with the Cowboys logo on it.

This is my ride. I know you are jealous...don't be a hater.

This is my house. I just don't think you are a real Steelers fan unless your front steps are painted black and gold baby! Let's take a look inside...

This is my living room. Some say I might have overdone it a bit with the yellow paint on the walls but it was either yellow or black and I think the yellow brightens the room and accents all my wonderful collectibles.

This is my bedroom. I really wanted to paint the walls yellow in here but the landlord finally caught on and told me if I put one more stroke of yellow paint on his house he would shove the paintbrush up my ass sideways. He must be a Cowboys fan. Uptight bastard.

This is my boyfriend Jerry. Isn't he hot??? He debated long and hard about whether to get me an engagement ring or this tattoo and the tattoo won. That was 6 years ago. He says he has been behind on his bills ever since and one day he will get me a ring and we will be married on Heinz Field. I am so lucky to have found him. What a catch!

This is my brother Steve. He has a Sunday ritual of running up and down his street right before the game starts. We are not sure if he does this because he loves the Steelers so much or because he was recently released from a mental institution and just loves his freedom and wide open spaces.

This is Javon, my brother from another mother (very very long story). He is a truck driver and has his truck decked out. Jerry likes to tell me Javon likes boys because he brings one home with him after every run but I don't believe that for a second. Javon told me they are interior decorators from all over the country and they give him ideas on how to decorate his house. Jerry is so stupid sometimes.

This is my cousin Wanda. She likes Ben Roethlisberger and Oreos. Lots of Oreos...

Last but not least...this is my mom. She said when she dies I will inherit her "Terrible Bra". Is it bad that I cannot wait??? Damn I want that bra! She says if I continue to piss her off she will write me out of her will so I have started seriously kissing her ass. Last week I polished her bowling ball and shoes, then dropped off a case of her favorite cocktail...Jack Daniels. That should keep me in the will for at least another month or two.

There you have it...a peek into my crazy Steelers world. Hope you enjoyed it. GO Steelers!


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