Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Blog Not Written About the Brett Favre Circus

I will not write a blog about the Brett Favre circus. I will not write a blog about the Brett Favre circus. I will not write a blog about the Brett Favre circus. I will not write a blog about the Brett Favre circus. I have too much respect for what the man has accomplished. Oh geez, that slipped. Ok, I will not write a blog about the Brett Favre circus. I will not write a blog about the Brett Favre circus. But he is being such a putz, I mean really. Stop it! I will not write a blog about the Brett Favre circus. I will not write a blog about the Brett Favre circus. I will not write a blog about the Brett Favre circus. Did you hear the Packers tried to give him $20 million to go away???? Ahhhhhhh!!! I will not write a blog about the Brett Favre circus. I will not write a blog about the Brett Favre circus. I will not write a blog about the Brett Favre circus. What about that poor bastard Aaron Rodgers??? The pressure to perform has just gotten a million times worse. Ha! That was about Aaron Rodgers, not Brett Favre. I will not write a blog about the Brett Favre circus. I will not write a blog about the Brett Favre circus. Is there not a college in Mississippi that needs wide receivers worked out, why a high school? I will not write a blog about the Brett Favre circus. I will not write a blog about the Brett Favre circus. Is his agent's name really Bus??? What is that short for??? No wonder he can't get a trade worked out. It stands for SHORT BUS. Oh boy, did I really just say that???? Well at least I did not write a blog about the Brett Favre circus. Yea for me!

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